

Who We are…

A collection of Cornhuskers passionate about finance, investing, markets, learning and building our network


What We do…

  1. Host Weekly General Session meetings, where members interact with professionals, Each other, and real-world financial topics

  2. Actively Manage a portfolio of real money exclusive to the club, currently valued at over $400,000. Members vote on buy, sell, and hold decisions, directly impacting our positions

  3. Offer members an avenue to build their high-finance and equity research abilities through the Stock Pitch Program

  4. Host and Travel to activities off-campus, such as Fun Friday events, local financial firm visits, and stock pitch competitions

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BRIC History

The Big Red Investment Club was founded in 2012 by former President and Vice President, respectively, Jacob Vestecka and Mike Kressel. Dr. Richard DeFusco, head of UNL’s Finance department, sponsored the club, allowing it to become a Registered Student Organization.

The BRIC Fund was initially granted $200,000 to invest in 2012, which stemmed from UNL’s Cornhusker Fund portfolio. Under then-president Chris Spanel, the club allocated half the portfolio to index funds and the other to individual, club-proposed equities. Currently, the BRIC Fund is valued at over $400,000 and is a core focus of both the general club and Stock Pitch Program.

The club has grown in both size and form since 2012, comprised annually of over 50 members, many of which are involved with the club in numerous ways.

Stock Pitch Program History

The Stock Pitch Program was created by former BRIC Senior Portfolio Manager Violette Al-Timimi in Fall 2019. Under the guidance of former faculty advisor Dr. Shawn Strother, the pair sought out to develop a course to bolster BRIC’s equity research abilities and gain national recognition for the club. The main goals of the program are to develop standardized, professional-level equity research reports, present findings to the general club for portfolio voting, prepare members for competing in CFA® Equity Research Challenges, and create professional value for members approaching careers in high-finance.


Our Missions

To provide an environment for students who have interest in investing, financial markets, and engaging in financal topics.

To preserve, invest, and grow the BRIC Fund through common bonds, stock, equities, and mutual funds only. 

Provide a forum for interaction between students, faculty, and business executives.

Our Purposes

To be a nationally recognized Investment Club.

To be the reason students choose the University of Nebraska-Lincoln over any other institution because of the organization's unique opportunities.